Home Blogging How Do You Help People Daily?

How Do You Help People Daily?

by Ryan Biddulph

What a good question, eh? How do you help people daily?

Helping people daily is the cornerstone of your blogging campaign. Generous bloggers prosper. Stingy bloggers fail. Help people through your free content. Increase your skills, exposure, and credibility. Open multiple income streams. Prosper.

Assess your honest answer.

I help people through:

  • blogging
  • guest posting
  • videos
  • podcasting

Helpful bloggers succeed. Helpful bloggers win. Helpful bloggers like their dreams. Bloggers who hold back suffer through a terrible time online because the less you give, the less you get. No one overcomes that basic law of life. The less you give freely and help people, the less money and traffic you get.

What a simple way to drill down to your pressing blogging problems. Helpful people position themselves to succeed. Bloggers who hold back and help folks only a little bit struggle, fail, and eventually quit.

I never saw an incredibly helpful, generous blogger who trusted themselves, fail, because giving freely and trusting in the process leads to success. Receiving easily is the natural result of giving freely. But you need to ask yourself how you help people daily to be straight with yourself.

I do not mean answering a question on Quora here and there. Helping people daily means the real deal, writing and publishing posts daily, publishing guest posts daily, broadcasting live videos, and promoting other bloggers through social media and through your blog. Being generous puts everything into motion. Being generous predicates your blogging success.

Keep helping people. Especially when you feel terribly uncomfortable, being helpful distances you from the herd of bloggers who think inward, only about themselves, and stingily stumble into struggle and failure.

Did you help one person today by answering a question on Quora? Time to bump it up. Write a blog post. Broadcast live on Facebook. Publish a podcast. Comment genuinely on 10 blogs. Promote a few bloggers on your blog or through a guest post.

Be as helpful as possible to as many people as possible to learn the great secret of success. Buy my pro blogging eBook. I lay it all out in a simple, generous fashion. Every time I write another eBook I help another group of bloggers, or I provide service by entertaining people with my travel-themed eBooks.

Life gets easier if you help folks generously all day long and life gets even easier and easier if you ramp up your generosity in all areas of your life. 100% of the time, it is up to you. Your choice. Your gig. Your deal. Nobody else determines how generous you are, but you, so you are at the helm of your blogging success ship, captaining your journey.

How do you help people daily? Have you held back a bit much? List ways how you can help people in your niche. Observe how your skills and exposure increases register maximum returns with your blogging campaign, the more generous you become.

One note though; avoid energetic bottom feeders. I had to add this because I stopped by the Warrior Forum a few moments ago.

Many pained, afraid, skeptical folks filled a few threads with their mental rubbish. Help people who vibe from open-ness, not skepticism, delusional, pride, and closed-mindedness. Never waste your time and energy. Hang with aligned folks and release everybody else.

Be generous! Generous bloggers succeed. Stingy bloggers fail. Simple ways to help include promoting other bloggers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, commenting genuinely on blogs and purchasing products and/or eBooks from successful bloggers. Keep giving freely. Put in the work-energy. Put in the time. Blogging gives you what you give blogging.

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