I do not work hard.
But I do not turn down many opportunities. Bloggers usually pass on most opportunities. I am the blogger who seizes opportunities most bloggers pass on. Observe most blogs where I guest post. I am the guy who gobbles up opportunities by guest posting hundreds of times on multiple blogs. I do not hustle but I seize and use opportunities to help people through my blog and through guest posts. Be that blogger. Seize and use opportunities to serve people. Grab opportunities to publish helpful content through your blog and through guest posting.

Record and upload videos. Broadcast live. Record and publish podcasts. Comment genuinely on blogs. Promote fellow bloggers. If bloggers turn down opportunities or take their foot off of the blogging pedal you seize opportunities and put your foot on the blogging pedal, pressing down, distancing bloggers in your niche. Never make blogging about trying to outwork bloggers. Let go of your hard work consciousness. Let go of any idea of competition. But grab opportunities bloggers pass on to outlast everyone in your blogging niche.
Again; check out most blogs where I guest post. I publish posts weekly in a few cases, daily in many cases, and at least 2 times weekly in a few cases. Why? Bloggers are generous with me. I happily enjoy being generous with fellow bloggers and with their readers. Being generous prospers you. Whatever you freely give returns back to you multiplied. But guard against blogging in your comfort zone. One part of you craves experiencing freedom through blogging. But one part wants to chill out in your comfort zone after publishing one blog post and one guest post daily for 6 months.
Hey; I commend you. I salute you. Publishing one blog post and one guest post daily for 6 months is nothing to sneeze at. But you feel an intuitive nudge to publish 1 blog post and 2 guest posts daily. Bloggers gobble up guest post offers like hotcakes, if you can write fairly well. But you need to be equally hungry to seize and use guest posting opportunities to write and publish 2 guest posts daily. As a rule, bloggers struggle because few bloggers take advantage of opportunities to help readers. The few bloggers who exit their comfort zone to take advantage of opportunities simply rise to the top of their blogging niche.
Leaving your comfort zone does not feel awesome all of the time. Any time you leave your comfort zone you face either a tiny or a big fear. Tiny fears feel a little uncomfortable. Big fears feel super scary. In either case, focus on your freedom over the fear. Remember why you blog. Finding a purer driver influences you to seize and use opportunities, especially when doing so feels highly uncomfortable. Most bloggers have no interest in leaving their comfort zone. Most bloggers do not grab opportunities for opportunities that sit well outside of their comfort zone. Be one of the few who seize opportunities to serve people to build a granite-like foundation for your professional blogging campaign.
Do you work a 9-5 job but want to leave it?
I have been in your shoes.
Before I became a professional blogger, I worked a series of 9-5 jobs. My last job before blogging involved working from 4-10 each evening. Many times I worked 16 hours from 4 PM to 8 AM and a few times I even worked 18 hours from 6 AM to 12 AM. I became sick and tired of trading time for money, began blogging, and wrote an eBook to help you leave your job behind for good.
Buy it here:
How to Escape a 9-5 Job that You Hate
1 comment
Hi Ryan,
It was an amazing article! I think unknowingly I have passed many opportunities in the past. Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing resource. It really highlighted the importance of opportunities and share information on how we can make the most of it. I am glad that you wrote this article, it was a great push and I think I needed to hear this to make the most of my work. Looking forward to reading more of your amazing articles.