Do you spend most of your blogging day on sites you own and your blogging buddies own?
Or do you spend most of your blogging day on sites owned by billionaires and other successful folks?
Where your attention and energy goes, grows. You choose where and how to devote your blogging attention and energy every single day.

Hey; I appreciate sites like Facebook and Twitter. I spend a little bit of time on each site because me and my friends do not own either site. The billionaire owns Facebook. I salute him for his billions but have no interest in spending hours daily creating content for him on his site, adding to his billions. I would rather make a fortune through my blog and through my friend’s blogs. That’s just me.
Mark Zuckerberg owns Facebook. He loves it if you spend hours on Facebook chatting people up, liking updates and messaging people because as a Facebook user, YOU are part of the Facebook product and YOU fuel the Facebook content engine. He owns all of your content, your likeness and heck, everything you publish on Facebook is his because it’s his site, not yours.
Does it make sense to spend endless hours building up his billions? Or does it make sense to spend virtually all of your time on your own real estate and on real estate owned by your blogging buddies? Why not create content and make connections that net you and your blogging buddy millions of dollars? Doesn’t that make sense?
You can build a decent blogging business through Facebook but you will only earn a fortune, gain supreme influence and shape humanity through blogging real estate YOU own. Do you think Mark Zuckerberg spends 5 hours a day on Twitter? Of course not. He spent 15 hours a day or more working on Facebook.
Where your attention and energy goes, grows. Give your attention and energy to your blog. Your blog will grow. Give your attention and energy to your buddies’ blogs through genuine blog commenting and guest posting. Your blog grows (backlinks through blog commenting and guest posting) and your buddies’ blogs grow through the valuable content you publish in those parts. It makes no sense to give most of your attention and energy to Facebook because you do not own that site. You are a user on that site so you are part of the product, and nothing more.
Owners think like owners. Owners spend virtually all their attention and energy on their site and on sites owned by their buddies to leverage their content. Think like an owner. Stop complaining about having no time to write and publish blog posts and guest posts after spending 3 hours on Facebook daily. Why build up his site when your blog suffers? Think like an entrepreneur. Act like an owner.
I publish 3-5 posts daily on Blogging From Paradise and I publish 3-5 guest posts daily on my buddies’ blogs because we own these pieces of online real estate. Build up your traffic and income before padding Mark Zuckerberg’s billions.
Hey; I wish him the best and appreciate the valuable platform he built through Facebook but I’d rather make my billions before spending more than 10 minutes a day on Facebook. I do not intend to think competitively. I wish this icon greater and greater success but also know my success and influence expands as I spend more and more time on my blog and on the blogs owned by my buddies.
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