If you are busy in making money online then you must have heard about the term “Growth Hacking” a lot of times. What is growth hacking and why you must look for the top growth hacking tips this year?
The term “growth hacking” was firstly used by Sean Ellis, the founder of GrowthHacker.com in 2010. According to Sean Ellis, “growth or success comes in stages. The first stage is very important and if you fail the first stage, there is a higher chance of getting failed in further next stages”.
Almost 20% of businesses or startups never survive for the very first year and 50% don’t survive for five years. Nobody will want to join this squad and if you want to avoid becoming one of those you must work on your business’s growth.
What is Growth Hacking?

“Growth hacking can be simply defined as a practice to grow a business or blog by applying great strategies and tactics”. Growth hackers work for their one and only goal and that is growth. They are different from traditional marketers and apply the latest available technology and tools to achieve their goals. For example, getting a street address for increasing niche relevancy, thus your business will look related to its geographical location.
The tools, tips, and technologies for growing a blog and business may vary and in this post, we are going to know about the top 10 growth hacking tips to grow a blog.
Let’s stop babbling and start this list.
1. Create Keyword Optimized Content
Content is king, no doubt but it must be capable of getting more exposure and traffic too. You have to make great effort to create compelling and SEO friendly content at the same time.
One of the big benefits of keyword research is that it helps in knowing the interests of your audience and keeps you in touch with them. Every blog and business has their own targeted audience and it will be great to know what your audience is looking for.
There are multiple tools available online for performing keyword research such as SEMRush, Moz’s keyword explorer, Google Adwords, and more.
2. Build Email List
Its 2018 but emails are still effective and have a better conversion rate than social media. Unfortunately these days email marketing often gets overlooked by many of the digital marketers and you must avoid doing the same.
You won’t believe but email marketing has a conversion rate of three times more than social media. Make all efforts to increase clickthroughs back to the blog by your email marketing campaigns.
Creating a huge email list is not easy enough but you can create a huge email list by applying few methods and some of them are featured below.
- Offer free online tools
- Create a quiz
- Host webinars
- Provide hypnotizing subscribe forms
- Provide content upgrades
- Go for Pop-ups
- Add testimonials
- If you had your mobile app then add an email sign up
3. Look for the Influencers
Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to amplify your message. You may have a huge audience base but it will be a great idea to take advantage of other people’s audiences to get more exposure and massive traffic.
Influencer marketing also helps you in connecting with relevant people of your industry and stabilizing better relationships with them.
These days Influencer marketing is changing the dimensions of digital marketing. A content shared by the influencers gets 16x more engagement compared to the direct content of any brand.
There are multiples tools available online to find influencers and some of them listed below.
- Buzzsumo
- BuzzStream
- GuestCrew
- NinjaOutreach
- Klear
- Buzzsumo
- Avario
- PitchBox
- Followerwonk
4. Take Advantage of Online Forums
Driving massive traffic through online forums can be a great idea. There are many question answer sites like Reddit and Quora which can help you in bringing more traffic to your blog.
Quora – Quora was founded in 2009 by ex-Facebook employees Charlie Cheever and Adam D’Angelo. The user base of Quora has grown drastically over the years and it claims to have more than 190 million unique visitors per month.
Reddit – Reddit is one of the most popular news aggregation platforms and was founded by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian in 2005. Reddit is the 3rd most visited website in the U.S with over 542 million monthly visitors.
All set to share your content on these platforms? Wait a minute.
These are not just a place for pasting links and sharing posts. Few things you must know before utilizing these platforms.
- Provide meaningful answers to the community and add value to your answers.
- Answer niche relevant questions and according to your expertise.
- Always look for fresh questions having fewer answers.
- Put your content links only to the related keywords.
- Use the search option to find your niche relevant questions.
Make a great effort to increase social media shares of your content. Apply easy to share social media sharing buttons on your blog posts.
Most of the businesses and blogs are earning handsome revenue just form social media. It has grown really big, and you can’t ignore it.
However, spending a lot of time on various social media platforms to share your blog posts will not be a great idea. You can use various online social media management tools such as Hootsuite, Hubspot, MeetEdgar, TweetDeck, etc to do the promotion of your blog in a much better way.
How to make your blog more shareable?
- Write eye-catchy headlines
- Make it simple, simple is awesome
- Work on your blog’s layout
- Include easy social sharing buttons
- If possible make effort to create curiosity with your blog post headlines
- Appreciate your audience for their support
- Create easy to digest content
6. Do Guest Blogging
Guest posts help you in creating your identity online. Guest blogging can benefit you in multiple ways and can help you in growing your blog.
Trust me each and every top blogger in your industry is doing guest blogging to increase their reach. Guest posts not only bring quality backlinks but it also brings subscribers, visitors, and of course more revenue.
Just keep one thing in your mind before doing guest blogging, add value to your content. A well researched and worthy guest post can help you in stabilizing better relationships with the top blogger of your industry.
7. Visuals can do Magic
The human brain processes visuals faster than texts and that’s why you must focus on creating attention-grabbing visuals.
Add Infographics, memes, screenshots, charts, videos and other visual contents to your blog posts. Visual contents are more shareable in nature and growth hackers works a lot on creating relevant and compelling visual contents.
Visual content can also bring traffic from image searches and this is really going to be beneficial for your blog’s health no doubt.
8. Offer Something for Free to your Audience
Now, this is a great strategy for building your email list as well as gaining the trust of your visitors at the same time. Whenever you provide something for free and your audience finds it useful they started looking for more free stuff.
Doing this helps you in gaining more mouth advertisement which also boosts your website’s traffic.
If you are worried about the stuff you can provide to your visitors for free, don’t worry there are many. I have listed some of them below:
- Case studies
- Success stories
- Cheat sheets
- eBooks
- Expert roundup tips
- Online tools
- Free consultation
- Checklists
- Useful data
- List of do’s and don’ts
- Your personal experiences
- Expert Reviews
9. CrowdSpeaking Platforms
What are crowdspeaking platforms and how it can help grow your blog?
CrowdSpeaking platforms can be simply defined as a huge group of people which helps you in amplifying your message on various social media channels.
Many bloggers, service providers, and digital marketers are using crowdspeaking platforms for their content, service and product to get more exposure in less time.
Some of the top crowdspeaking and funding platforms are KickStarter, Thunderclap, Crowdrise, GuestCrew, ShoutPacket, HeadTalker etc.
10. Get Addicted to Metrics
Growth hackers are addicted to metrics. They spend a lot of time in analyzing the outcomes to make better strategies.
Keep an eye on your actions, if they are not working then make effort to find out the causes and fix them. The metrics will help you in discovering the dead elements of your strategies and will also encourage you if the results are positive.
Wrapping it up
You have to create worthy content and promote it online using the latest technology to grow your blog. No matter if you are a beginner or not, you must know about the importance of growth hacking.
A growth hacker put all his/her efforts in bringing more revenue, more customers and off course more traffic.
Excellent job Vishwajeet. You know I am into guest posting a little bit 😉 But we all grow like blogging weeds if we have fun helping people through various channels. That’s the secret; be generous, relaxed and have fun as you serve people. Growth follows through all aspects of your blogging experience.
Hello Ryan,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I am also thankful for your continuous love and support 🙂
Vishwajeet Kumar
Hey Vishwajeet,
Amazing list for increasing blog growth. We all sometimes forgot implement basic and small point which leads to big loss. We should nevere ignore basics.
Thanks for sharing such informative article.
Glad you like it Archana Di 🙂
Vishwajeet Kumar
Hi there,
You have written very informative article. Today i learnt new things grom this thankyou for taking time to write a amazing content.
Keep sharing your experiences vishwa bro
Deepak Kumar
Hi Vishwajeet, I would love to know more about using Reddit to drive traffic. I’m so afraid of putting any links in anything on there and I’ve been on it 2 years but don’t spend a lot of time there. Quora is great!
I’ve got to work on some updated FREEBIES. It’s been a while.
Thanks for your tips as always!
Hello Lisa,
yes, Reddit is quite strict with rules and posting link there. Quora is indeed a best and reliable platform. I am also using it. Thanks for sharing your feedback.
Vishwajeet Kumar
Hello Vishwajeet!
Really very interesting and helpful.
Great tips. I think it’s also important to focus on the leads when it comes to growth hacking.
Your website success depends on your blog’s sales funnel so it’s really important for you to turn your random website visitors into leads and sales. Most people fail to build profitable blogs that make money just because they lack of solid sales funnel.
No matter what industry you in, you need to figure out how to capture website leads so you can create awareness and make sales out of your blog. Running high converting quizzes or giveaways can really help you turn random website visitors into email subscribers and then it’s your duty to create awareness to turn those email subscribers into high quality leads who are interested in buying your products.
By using quizzes you can also find out what your target audience really wants by asking questions related to your industry so you can create better content and products to them in the long run.
I personally use content upgrades to turn my website visitors into email subscribers then I usually create an email sequence to create engagement with my email newsletters to educate them about the products and services I offer. I also usually segment my email list so that I can target only selected people to offer my products or services which was really great in terms of getting more sales and conversion rates.
Thanks so much for sharing these tips with us.
Vishal Meena
Great article, Vishwajeet. I follow some of the tips from your article, regularly do keyword research with SE Ranking tools, try to use this for my content titles to make it more compelling to read, and regularly look for opportunities to guest post on sites with DA 60 +. But I never found a good influencer for myself, and I also have problems with postings on Quora. I always try to write a relevant and useful answer, trying to mention my resource, but I constantly fall into collapses and can’t do anything about it. Maybe you can give some advice?
What is the best platform for drive traffic Reddit Vs Quora? Please share your choice here.