The importance of organic positioning, also known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) positioning, lies in the traffic that a website receives from search engines, so the better positioned it is on the pages of a search engine, such as Google, that website you will get more visits.
To achieve a better place within the organic results in search engines, we must think about SEO from the beginning and take into account the variables that enhance it, such as the keywords of our business, what our competition is doing, and the elements of design and content.
It is important to understand that organic SEO positioning is a long-term tool because it involves making arrangements within your company’s website as well as taking into consideration external factors to the website.

What is SEO?
In our daily lives, we search for everything on Google, from domestic, professional, and business matters.
Have you thought about how the different web pages appear there? When you consult the search engine, do you go to the next search page or do you stay with the first ones?
The answer to these questions is SEO, Search Engine Optimization. It is a term that is used very frequently in the world of digital marketing; That is why before searching further into the subject, it is convenient to start by explaining what it is.
Search Engine Optimization also called organic positioning and consists of a series of techniques that are implemented on a website to make it more attractive.
This means that certain actions are applied to a business web page so that it appears among the first pages of the search engine since generally Internet users do not go to the next pages offered by the search engine, but usually only visit those that appear first.
Once a company understands that the more traffic it generates on its website, the greater the chances of increasing its generation of qualified leads and sales, there it will begin to think about organic positioning.
Improving the visibility of a web page in the organic results of search engines is a task that requires hard work because it involves making changes and adjustments in its structure and content.
As it is an organic process – that is, it is not through the payment of advertising ( as is the case with PPC strategies ) – it is a long-term strategy to generate potential customers thanks to the visibility of the portal in search engines.
Why is SEO important?
- It is estimated that every hour 1.5 billion searches for information are made on the internet worldwide. , 70% of that astronomical figure responds to organic clicks; that is, they do not come from paid advertising.
- Another fact to take into account is that 75% of Internet users only keep the results that search engines throw on the first page.
- In order to generate potential customers in the internet business, you have to be in the top positions in search engines, since only with visibility you can attract customers. Hence the importance of having an organic positioning strategy in Google.
SEO on-page vs. SEO off-page
Organic SEO positioning requires that factors specific to the website, as well as external to it, be taken into consideration.
The SEO on-page corresponds to the number of elements of the website that have to do with the structure, design, and content.
Instead, off-page SEO is the popular backlink strategy that consists of bringing links to our website from other pages that enjoy authority in our business, such as directories, specialized blogs, even online media, everything to increase visibility in search engines and, consequently, visits.
One way to get these links to your website is to create interesting content so that authoritative websites want to link to our website, but this will take some time to arrive, another way is to be invited as the author of a post in one of these sites like Blogging Gate. However, this will take time to arrive, so it is advisable to focus your organic positioning strategy first on implementing SEO actions on-page.
Main elements of SEO on-page
SEO On-page is what can be done without relying on third parties because, as we have already said, it is the responsibility of the website itself.
The main elements that must be taken into account when doing SEO on-page are the following:
- URL: ideally, it should be completely understandable by search engines, easy to remember, and without strange characters. It is preferable to include the main keyword, as this will make it easier to position and avoid unnecessary words.
- Title: it is the most important element because from there the search engine takes the theme that the web page works. It must answer to the main keyword. You should be aware that Google displays a maximum of 60 characters.
- Meta descriptions: It is the text by which we tell the user and the search engines what our page is about and why the user should visit it. Include keywords or their synonyms and focus on the benefit the visitor receives and keep in mind that Google only shows 160 characters.
- Content: it is well known that on the internet “content is king”. The information on the website must provide real value, be meaningful, well written, and presented. It should include the keywords as well as synonyms. A content marketing strategy is the best option to have valuable information.
- Images: as Google still cannot read images, special care must be taken to provide each image with a description, which is known as alt text or alternative text, to guide search engines.
- Linkbuilding: the creation of internal and external links on the website.
- Internal links: we must also focus on the links that are built within the web page itself because they are a way of encouraging the reader to spend more time within our website.
- External links: These are the links that we make from our website to sites that have authority and help us to tell Google what our website is about.
- Versatile and lightweight designs: the websites responsive, adaptable to any screen, and friendly to mobile devices have greater visibility and acceptance among Internet users.
Main advantages of SEO
- More Visibility – A good organic SEO strategy means that our website will rank high in search engines.
- More visits: to the extent that there is good visibility, the possibility that a user enters our website increases.
- Higher conversion: once the customer is already on our website, the probability that they will contact us and/or make a purchase increases.
The reality is that the success in the number of clicks goes to the pages that appear first in search engines, as this means that they keep most of the market thanks to the visibility they have. This is why it is convenient to have a long-term, well-planned organic positioning strategy, whether you hire an SEO specialist agency or do it with your resources,
In this way, it is well worth standing out with attractive, modern, lightweight sites with valuable content to always be present in the search results of potential clients.
1 comment
Awesome breakdown Vishwajeet. Organically positioning yourself well on Google can make a big difference with your blogging campaign. Following the SEO basics requires patience, persistence and being generous too. But the long term benefits are well worth the effort you need to put into your SEO campaign.