Home SEO How Do You Try to Get Blog Backlinks?

How Do You Try to Get Blog Backlinks?

by Ryan Biddulph

Do you try to publish blog comments on a high volume of blogs daily?

How is that working out for you?

Or do you try to create helpful content and make friends?

How Do You Try to Get Blog Backlinks?:

  • generosity
  • skills
  • experience
  • patience
  • persistence

Observe this blog post. One link pointing to one of my eBooks appears at the bottom of the blog post. If I skipped the eBook link I would link to my blog. How did I gain this link pointing to my blog? I spent years practicing my writing to increase my writing skills. I commented genuinely on Vishwajeet’s blog. I promoted his blog on my blog. I promoted his blog via my Twitter and Facebook. We bonded. He liked my writing. He trusted my writing. He trusted my blogging knowledge. He invited me to guest post on his blog. Guest posts I place contain links pointing to my eBooks and blog.

Note the process; I built backlinks on my merit, not my madness. I practiced developing skills. My skills drove backlinks. I did not build links through manipulative madness. I did not publish one line comments on 1,000 blogs daily. I did not email 100 bloggers asking for link exchanges. Each method indicates madness. Madness indicates fear. Scared people fear committing time and energy to build backlinks organically, through skills, merit, and connections.

Backlinks are good things. Good things take time and generous service-practice to develop. Neil Patel did not publish one line comments on 1,000 blogs daily to get backlinks. He did spend 1000’s and 1000’s of hours creating valued content, building friendships with bloggers and seeing the journey though. His skills, content and connections allowed a high volume of backlinks to flow to him organically. He did not try to comment on 1,000 blogs daily to get backlinks. But he did spend 1000’s of hours developing skills, valued content and establishing blogging friendships attracting 1000’s upon 1000’s of backlinks to his blog.

Think more like Neil Patel. Think less like a frenzied blogger who tries to gain backlinks by force, not by your skills. Think abundantly. Think long term. Do you want to struggle today, tomorrow, and for the next 5 years? Publish 500 one-line comments on blogs every day for years. Do you want to taste the fun and freedom of becoming a professional blogger? Create and connect generously every day for the next 5 years, increasing your skills, exposure, and credibility.

Blogging feels uncomfortable sometimes but gets easier if you practice increasing your skills because success flows to skilled bloggers. Blogging gets tougher and feels more frustrating if you do not practice to increase your skills because of success sprints away from unskilled bloggers. Why do spammers keep spamming despite knowing virtually 100% of their comments will never be seen by humans? Fear scares you into doing foolish things because fear deceives you into believing you can succeed without developing useful skills.

Stop trying to get backlinks. Start giving to help people. Publish valued content solving reader problems. Readers link to valued content solving their issues. Practice writing 500 words daily in a Word document. Become a clear, confident writer readers seamlessly link to, freely. Build skills to let success in. Do not avoid building skills to chase success because success proves to be eternally elusive prey.

Blogging is a long term gig. Develop skills over years. Drive backlinks through your merit. People link to valued content but creating valued content requires practice and time on your part. Be patient. Be persistent. Be generous. Backlinks will find you if you busy yourself with helping human beings.


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