Home Web Hosting Web Hosting- Check These Things Before Subscribe To Any Hosting Plan

Web Hosting- Check These Things Before Subscribe To Any Hosting Plan

by Vishwajeet Kumar

Web hosting means some data or content of your website hosted or kept in a digital space that is known for Web hosting. Web hosting is the most important and vital part of a website and their performance. This article will guide you about web hosting and things to remember before subscribing any hosting plan

Poor hosting can reduce the traffic to your website and one good hosting can also help your website up and running even at maximum web traffic. Most of the time we all are getting confused about finding the right hosting for business or a blogging website.

Check These Things Before Subscribe To Any Hosting Plan

Everything depends upon your hosting. Choosing the best web hosting may affect your product or brand for providing a better experience to the visitors. Here we find some solutions to find out the right web hosting for your budget and secured.

Web hosting with security

This is the most important thing, and this shall be your first priority in choosing a web hosting with security. Malware attacks on websites were increased by 37% from the previous year. A malware attract can destroy your website and your website might be penalized by google if your website is getting hacked most of the time.

Not all the hosting companies provide security that’s why you have to check all the security and chat with the agent of that hosting company to ensure that your data will be safe and secured. Ask your hosting provider if they are providing DDoS Protection to you or not.

Tips: Most of the website comes with Sitelock or Bitninja security. If your web hosting provider doesn’t provide any kind of web security, try to avoid those hosting.

Server configuration of Hosting Company

The server is an essential part to host any website. You have to check the hosting company and their server configuration to speed up your website. Now Cloud hostings are available to take care of your website. But as a beginner, Shared hosting is suitable for your website hosting, and most of the companies selling the Shared hosting. Choosing the Shared hosting, you have to notice the Core type, PHP version, Processor Configuration, RAM, Bandwidth, Disk space, Disk type

We have shared some essential data for your reference of Web hosting:

PHP version7.2 or Upgradation available or not
Core typeMin 1 Core
Processor2vCore CPU
Disk TypeSSD
Disk Space20GB (As per Requirement)

What service hosting provider provides:

It will be greater if your web hosting company provides some additional add-ons for your website. It will be easy and better to select the best plan. Sometimes they offer SSL Certificates for Free!!! Which will be the best option for you.

Check what platform they are given to you: most of the cases, there are available cPanel, Plesk panel, or even their own customized panel.

Compare the domain plans:

Before purchasing your plan, please compare all the enlisted plans that the company offers! Sometimes you will find Single Domain, Up to 5 Domain or even unlimited domain. I’ll suggest you go for a single domain website. As you are under the shared hosting, all the website provides their limited resources for you, so One cPanel is of One website runs your website smooth.

Website Backup

Website backup is the most value-added service of any web hosting provider. Website backup is the most necessary and important thing for any running website. It is impossible for a single person to backup weekly for the website and that time the web hosting company takes a lead role. Some of them provide monthly backup, some plans come with daily backup and some providers do not provide any backup.

Pro Tips: If you have daily engaging visitors and your website updated daily, it is better to choose a daily backup plan.

Check support and refund policy:

As per my point of view, most of the companies promise 15 Days money back Guarantee. But you will face the problem after using 2 Months and you will not have any option to change that web hosting and ask for refund from that company. So, check the review of that company and chat with their agents before purchasing any web hosting form any hosting company.

Check the support system of that hosting company. It always happens that websites may face issues on the server side and that time your hosting support team will be your savior. As per my experience, I got 3 out 5 hosting providers providing late response, no response and many more excuses and 1 of them was the most renowned hosting provider. So please check once their customer support and refund policy before letting them money.

Email Configuration on Web hosting

Email systems come with every hosting package. You can create the business mail through it. Ensure how many email accounts can be created at maximum and confirm that any mail storage limit is there or not. Most of the cases there are no limitations on email accounts but some hosting companies offer limited storage which is not useful all-time as per requirement.

Our tips for choosing web hosting company

Don’t go for Price – Go with the Quality and supportive company

Everywhere you will find some unlimited website package you will get around 499/- per Year and at the same plan, you will get 3599/- Per year. Confirm with the agents of those company and clarify your requirements and ask for the Server configuration

You can ask some question to your hosting provider:

  • How many Entry processes can run on your cPanel (20 and Above is good for hosting)
  • What is the current PHP Version used in the server (the current version is PHP 7.2)?
  • Is it possible to upgrade the PHP server or not (Upgradation PHP Version must be important for choosing hosting provider)?
  • How many CPU usages of my cPanel (Min 100 is preferable)?
  • How much I/O usage do you provide?


After reading this article, I hope you get an idea for finding the perfect web hosting for your blogging website or business website. After subscribing a perfect web hosting, just optimize your website for providing better performance. And before wrapping it up, leave a comment on what hosting do you use for your current website and share experience in few lines.


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Chayan Chakrabarti October 23, 2020 - 10:41 am

Wonderful guide bro .free SSL , backup and business email address. That’s what I look into before choosing any hosting. Keep inspiring

Vishwajeet Kumar October 23, 2020 - 10:58 am

Hello Chayan,

Glad you like the post. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

Vishwajeet Kumar

Amit Garg October 23, 2020 - 2:27 pm

Hi Vishwajeet

A free domain name, free migrations, free SSL, custom emails, optimal speed, 99.9% uptime, and 24/7 customer support at affordable pricing make a perfect hosting package for beginners.

You have shared a superb checklist to go through before subscribing to any hosting plan.

Amit Garg

Vishwajeet Kumar October 23, 2020 - 3:13 pm

Hello Amit,

Yes, These are some of the basic checklists that every user must look at before selecting a plan. Glad you liked the post. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

Vishwajeet Kumar

Indranil October 25, 2020 - 2:44 am

Hi Vishwajeet,
It is going to be a very useful article for newbie blogger who are confused to select the best hosting for them at the initial stage. Many time they attract by the cheap price and lucrative offers but this technical points will be very helpful for them to clear the confusions to select the best hosting plan. Very useful article . Carry on the good work.


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