11:30 PM New York time.
I am up and at ‘em, writing this guest post. I lost track of how many guest posts I wrote today but rest assured, it was more than a few. Why? Challenging myself every blogging day allows all things to expand with my blogging campaign.

We all know success finds you outside of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to ease out of your blogging comfort zone an inch at a time. One inch here. One centimeter there. No need to take a blogging quantum leap. Simply stay up for an extra 15 minutes tonight to write and place one more, 600 word guest post. What does 15 minutes mean to you? Not too much of a blogging challenge, right? What does 600 words mean to you? Sure, it is a challenge to be awake at nearly midnight after a fun but long blogging day, but it is only a nudge outside of my comfort zone.
Every little nudge adds up to something astounding over the long haul. Every cm you move forward a few handful of times daily adds up to meters, then kilometers, over years. But you inch forward only by challenging yourself.
I accept the challenge. Here I am, writing these words. Challenges need to be laid out day after day to keep challenging yourself. I fell into comfortable habits in the blogging past because I set no daily challenges. Being comfortable is not good because growth stalls to a complete stop, grinding to a halt because you stopped edging out of your comfort zone habitually.
I write these words to nudge you a few more centimeters outside of your comfort zone. No one needs to stay up until finishing a 10,000 word blog post. Get some freaking sleep. But give yourself a tiny challenge whether it be promoting fellow bloggers or writing a guest post or publishing your second blog post today. Sure this sounds challenging if you publish once daily because you ease out of comfort and face fears associated with publishing too much content…..whatever that means.
Go a little bit beyond to develop the habit of challenging yourself every single blogging day. Observe top bloggers. Note how pros edge out of comfort zones routinely. Follow their lead. Raise the bar a few inches. Even if they raise seems small, each inch outside of your comfort zone adds up significantly over time. Plus you develop the habit of being comfortable with being uncomfortable.
All successful bloggers develop this skill in spades because traffic and money flow in bigger amounts only after you step outside of your comfort zone for a sustained period of time. Challenge yourself to do just a little bit more today, blogging-wise. Challenge yourself to be a little bit more today, blogging-wise.
Keep edging. Keep nudging. Success finds you halfway if you meet it by leaving your comfort zone, via regular challenges. No one has to sprint 10 million miles out of their comfort zone. Try 1 meter, day after day, that add up to kilometers and beyond, after many years. Plus some days, you edge a few meters outside of your comfort zone when facing particularly stout, tough challenges.
Imagine your blogging growth in those moments. Toss in little centimeter challenges to round out your blogging game. Never get complacent or comfortable. Serve generously, trust and keep moving well outside of your blogging comfort zone to position yourself to be a pro blogger. Challenge yourself on the regular for optimal blogging results.
Surround yourself with professional bloggers to learn from glowing examples of bloggers who challenge themselves. Follow their lead. Perhaps you get a little comfortable or complacent but observing pros who challenge themselves influences you to challenge yourself, too.
At the end of the day though, YOU challenge yourself a bit more every single day with your blog.
So…do it!
Building a full time income through your blog feels like the ultimate daily challenge, sometimes. Money feels like a tricky issue at first because we grow up with oodles of money limiting beliefs dancing around in our domes. How do you dissolve these money blocks and go pro? I wrote an eBook to help you.
Buy it here:
7 Steps to Build a Full Time Income Earning Blog
1 comment
Hey Ryan,
Rijhu this side.
Yes very well said and I completely agree with you ” Success finds you outside of your comfort zone.” Very true Ryan and I too believe to became successful you need to accept the challenges and to step out from your comfort zones and that’s too regularly.
Yes well said you don’t need to sprint 10 million miles out of your comfort zone, just take one step as ” Journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.” Keep sharing your valuable words.
Thanks & Regards.