Being a professional blogger is simple. But being a professional blogger is uncomfortable.
After doing this for 10 years, I can honestly say going pro has been the most fun, freeing, and challenging feat of my entire life. I chalk this up to developing my emotional intelligence. Blogging is between the ears. Anyone can go pro because anyone can write helpful content, befriend blogging buddies by being generous and monetize through multiple streams of income.
But why do few folks actually do this to become professional bloggers?

Devoting 1,000, then 5,000, then 10,000 hours of your life to blogging over 5-10 years makes you face most if not all of your deepest fears. Everyone feels good about their pro prospects during the first few weeks. Possibility reigns. But let’s see how you feel after blogging for 10 hours daily over 6 months, only to see 0 online profits. THIS is why few go pro. Few folks sit with their deepest, darkest fears. Most folks give up at the drop of a hat. Others earn a nice sized income through their full time job so have no genuine hunger to succeed at blogging.
I have to be straight with you; if I had a couple hundred thousand dollars stashed away as a newbie blogger 10 years ago, no way would I be here today as a seasoned, pro, island hopping blogger. My comfort zone would have been the death of my blogging career. But since I dove into blogging sick, broke, and depressed, I faced many deep fears I need to purge in order to become the professional I am today.
Anyone can go pro. Literally, anyone can type words on a keyboard to create helpful content and anyone can make friends with fellow bloggers by commenting on blogs, and by promoting other bloggers. Anyone can create products, write eBooks, and offer freelancing services. But the hundreds to thousands of hours of blogging work you need to put in, to blog the right way, scare off most bloggers… most bloggers never go pro.
In truth, most bloggers blog with some vague idea of what goes into a genuine pro blogging commitment. Being confused or unclear, reality slaps these bloggers upside the head, 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years down the road, when your lack of commitment brings you 0 dollars and 3-5 blog visitors daily.
Guys; you can and will go pro if you learn blogging from pros, create content and build bonds over many years. Toss in monetizing your blog through multiple streams of income and you have the foundation for a professional blogging career. But blogging for thousands of hours feels highly uncomfortable sometimes. Most bloggers turn around in uncomfortable moments. A few bloggers see the journey through. Those few bloggers go pro.
Do you have a tough time getting through uncomfortable moments? Buy my eBook for doing freeing but highly uncomfortable stuff. Surround yourself only with pro bloggers. Learn from these folks. Feast on their inspirational success. Observe how pros routinely do freeing, uncomfortable stuff to succeed. Pay close attention to leading bloggers. Anybody can do what leaders do but just because you can do something does not mean you will do something because doing some blogging things feels scary, forcing you to face your fears.
The few who develop their emotional intelligence to high levels simply face, feel and release their fears to proceed toward becoming a professional blogger. Everyone else struggles, fails and quits blogging before becoming a professional blogger.
Ideas for developing your emotional intelligence:
- meditate
- do Kriya yoga
- do yin yoga
- exercise
Follow one or all of these practices daily. Slowly but surely, as your awareness expands, you begin to master your emotions. Mastering your emotions inspires you to both follow your fun and dive into your fears, both key characteristics of every aspiring professional blogger. Fun-loving bloggers who dive into their fears do the simple blogging things you need to do to go pro, over 1000’s of blogging hours, no matter how many fears they need to face along the way.
1 comment
Hi Ryan,
Rijhu this side.
Many thanks for sharing your awesome and inspirational post with us. I read all your posts regularly and it gives me positive vibes and a new vision.
Yes Ryan, you have to give your 100 percent effort and that’s too in right direction is the only key to success to become a pro blogger. You have to be consistent and be patient as these are not the few steps to be crossed and achieved overnight.
Both Dedication and determination is required to be a pro blogger.
Yes and I too believe developing your emotional intelligence is very much needed to overcome with the fear and the best way to release these fears is doing yin and Kriya yoga, meditation and exercises regularly.