11:30 PM New York time. I am up and at ‘em, writing this guest post. I lost track of how many guest posts I wrote today but rest assured, it…
Make sure you trust credible blogging sources. Never trust anyone who flows along the blogging pike. Fear manifest as greed and/or impatience often influences new bloggers to follow mentors for…
Guilty as charged. I aimed for more blog readers. For a long time. My problem; I have 120 plus eBooks, a few courses and ample audio books and paperbacks to…
“Trying” to be an influential blogger derails your blogging career. Force negates. Trying often leads to straining, struggling, and quitting. The moment you try to be someone of influence, you…
The number of people who read your content does not matter compared to how targeted every single human being who reads your blog is because highly targeted readers help you…
Do you spend most of your blogging day on sites you own and your blogging buddies own? Or do you spend most of your blogging day on sites owned by…
Stories sell quite nicely. But few bloggers seem to use stories. Even fewer use stories effectively. Observe your average blog post. Most bloggers publish helpful content but solely practical tips…
Help people for free. Even if you get nothing in return. Helping people for free cultivate an abundance mindset. Expecting nothing detaches you from WANTING money to give your attention…
For the past 3 weeks I have lived in a semi-rural area of the United States, in New York State. Forests surround me. Next week, I will move to a…