Home Web Hosting Rocket Managed WordPress Hosting Review

Rocket Managed WordPress Hosting Review

by Vishwajeet Kumar

Rocket Managed WordPress Hosting


Rocket is a best and reliable managed WordPress HostingProvider. Which makes it simple for websites of all sizes. It comes with Easy to use control panel, blazing fast speed, and built in website security giving your website an instant advantage.


When we talked about the managed WordPress hosting providers there are many of them. However, in this post, I am going to review you about Rocket managed WordPress hosting provider.

Rocket is one of the best and leading managed WordPress hosting providers. They are offer managed WordPress hosting at very competitive pricing.

The company has been founded by Ben & Aaron a well known personality of web hosting industry. They are providing cloud hosting for faster performance and have 200+ edge locations. They also have a dedicated global CDN for faster caching that gives superior page loading speed.

Rocket Provides only managed WordPress and woocommerce hosting. Let’s check them out:

Managed WordPress hosting

So, What is managed WordPress hosting? In simple terms, it’s  a  WordPress-specific hosting that provides a number of convenient features to make it easier to manage, secure, and speed up your WordPress site.

Pros of managed WordPress hosting

There are many positive things of a Managed WordPress hosting. If you are concern more about your website performance than you must go for it. Here are some of the Pros of using it:

  • Take care of updates for you, and create frequent backups of your site for safekeeping.
  • Scan your site for security threats, and react quickly to deal with any issues that arise.
  • Handle performance optimization, to keep your site running fast at all times.
  • Configure your server to meet your needs, if you’re on a VPS or dedicated plan.
  • Offer staging sites to help you safely test changes and updates.
  • Provide lots of support options to answer your questions.

Cons of Managed WordPress hosting

Though we have learned some benefits of using a managed WordPress hosting. However, there are some cons of using it. Let’s check them out:

  • Prices are bit expensive
  • No cpanel hosting
  • Some hosting may limit the use of plugins
  • Some managed WordPress hosts block certain plugins, like database-intensive related posts plugins.

Rocket Managed WordPress Review

You have learned what is a managed WordPress hosting and how it works? Let’s check out what Rocket provides with their managed WordPress hosting plans.

It is definitely a perfect solution for those who don’t want to compromise with their website performance and start their WordPress blog  without worrying about hassles of monitoring their servers, mitigating risk, and optimizing performance.

Rocket is a fully managed hosting that is included with the following features.

  • Maximum WordPress performance
  • 100% Network & Power Uptime
  • Brotli compression
  • Global Content Delivery Network
  • Free website Protection
  • DDoS Attack Protection
  • Robust and intuitive user interface
  • Built in caching and Google fonts optimization

Rocket provides an elegant and very easy to use control panel to manage your WordPress sites. Check the image below how its look likes:

Manage Rocket Account

Rocket’s managed WordPress hosting utilizes the Cloudflare Enterprise CDN to automatically optimize and cache your entire website over the 200 locations, Which makes your WordPress website as close as possible to your visitor’s. This will instantly boosting your WordPress Page Speed and YSlow scores.

Pricing and Plans of Rocket Managed WordPress hosting

Rocket currently offers four managed WordPress hosting plans. They offer free SSL on each plans. Let’s discuss them in details.

1. Starter Plan ($25 per month)

This is an ideal plan for starter WordPress sites. In this plan you are allowed to host only 1 WordPress site. You will get 10GB of space and it can handle upto 25K visitors per month.

2. Pro Plan ($50 per month)

In this plan you are allowed to host 3 WordPress websites. It comes with 30GB of Space and can handle upto $100k visitors per month. You can sign up with this plan for $50 per month. This is an ideal plan for intermediate and growing WordPress sites

3. Business Plan ($83 per month)

In this plan you can host 10 WordPress websites that comes with 40GB of Space, Handle upto 200k visitors per month. It is a great plan if you are doing freelancing and manage sites for your clients.

4. Agency plan ($166 per month)

This is an ideal plan for agencies. In this plan you are allowed to host 25 WordPress Websites. You will get 50 GB of space and can handle upto 500K visitors per month.

How to sign up Rocket

Sign up with Rocket takes less than a few minutes. Choose your required plan and click the get started button.

Rocket Pricing

In the next step, you need to fill the customer details and make the payment. You can make payment through PayPal or Credit card.

Rocket Payment page

After making payment you can manage your WordPress sites through your control panel.

Create a site in rocket

Excellent Customer support Service

No web hosting industry can survive without a good customer support services. Rocket provides excellent customer support services through live chat, Emails, Phones, and support tickets.

They are very responsive and dedicated team of WordPress professionals to solve your WordPress related issues and concerns.

Great network uptime

Rocket.net uses CDN and a cloud edge network, which means they send users to the nearest server for a faster response time. When we check it through Bitcatcha to see the response times. Here is a screenshot of our test result. It’s amazing

rocket.net response time

They are constantly providing 100% network uptime from past a few months. So, if you are looking for fastest hosting then it might be your choice.

Superior Server security

They are very much concern about your WordPress website security. Their built-in security system always protects your website from malwares and hackers. You do not need to install or buy any other plugins to secure your website

Over to you

So, If you are looking for a faster WordPress hosting with an easy to use control panel, then Rocket is a great managed WordPress hosting option for you.

Their servers are fast and highly optimized for WordPress websites. You also get peace of mind with enhanced security, automatic updates, and knowledgable support.

This is why we recommend Rocket.net as one of our best choices for a managed WordPress hosting provider.


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Rijhu Sinha October 16, 2020 - 12:55 pm

Hey Vishwajeet,

This is really an awesome post. Thanks VJ for sharing this informative and useful review with us.

This review is definitely going to help many of us. I really liked and appreciate the way you have put all the things about Rocket Managed WordPress hosting making the concept very easy and simple to understand.

After going through this post I am quite sure Rocket Managed WordPress hosting will be a great choice for all those who are looking for faster and easy to use control panel. Keep sharing and helping.

Thanks & Regards,

Aadarsh Roy October 21, 2020 - 10:37 am

Hey Vishwajeet Kumar ,

Excellent post with fantastic work. Your research and hard-works are truly appreciable. You have included a great review and provided helpful guide to know about Rocket managed wordpress hosting. I really like the way you have explained and provided all the vital information that are really providing good understanding and making the concept very clear.

Yes i completely agree with your words that Rocket is one of a best & reliable managed wordpress hosting provider including an easy to use control panel, built-in website security features, superb fast
speed and is suitable for websites of all sizes. Also it provides high network uptime and an excellent customer support. Rocket managed wordpress hosting will be good choice for those who are looking for a faster hosting provider along with an easy-to-use control panel. Your each mentioned steps ( including images ) to sign up with Rocket are so clear, well-elaborated and offcourse easy to understand.

After going through this complete post i really gain ideas and according to me this is a perfect guide to know about Rocket managed wordpress hosting. I am sure that this post will definitely help lots of people.

Eventually thanks for sharing your knowledge and such an informative post.



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