Home Web Hosting Beginner’s Guide to Shared Hosting: Everything You Need to Know

Beginner’s Guide to Shared Hosting: Everything You Need to Know

by Disha Barot


Amidst the diverse range of web hosting types to select from, shared web hosting is a common choice, specifically among those who are starting in the web hosting landscape. Even if it is popularly known as an economical option, it can keep up with its counterparts, such as VPS and dedicated web hosting. But in spite of that, shared hosting does come with its limitations.

If you’re a beginner and want to learn everything about shared hosting, here’s an ultimate beginner’s guide to shared hosting.

Beginner’s Guide to Shared Hosting

Understanding Shared Hosting: Unraveling the Basics

As the term suggests, shared hosting purely means sharing a web server with many other websites. In simple words, in shared web hosting, various sites reside together on one physical web server, sharing server resources like storage and CPU, among others.

This collective resource utilization provides an affordable web hosting services specifically tailored for bloggers, small business owners, and startups aspiring to create an online presence.

Every shared service is mapped out to operate effortlessly without causing any disruptions throughout the accounts. Even though the server assets are shared, the web host many times puts limitations on every account to prevent them from facing unwanted downtime.

In a nutshell, imagine shared hosting and its shared assets, like leasing a condo, where every condo is completely owned by somebody but assets like parking, water, electricity, etc. are shared between the members.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Shared Hosting Provider

Shared hosting plans are generally the most budget-friendly option when it comes to web hosting price per year. This is because you’re sharing resources with other websites on the same server, keeping the cost down. In contrast, VPS, managed cloud hosting, and dedicated server hosting offer dedicated resources and increased control, but at a higher web hosting price per year.

Here are some of the most important features proposed by any shared hosting provider that you should look for when opting for a shared hosting provider.

  • Reliability: Opt for a shared hosting service provider that offers 99.95% uptime and a performance history of offering reliable services.
  • Safety: Make sure that the web hosting service provider offers ample safety measures like firewalls, anti-malware software, intrusion detection systems, timely backups, etc.
  • Storage: Ensure that the hosting plan you sign up for has sufficient storage area to fulfill your requirements.
  • Bandwidth: Make sure that the hosting package you opt for offers sufficient bandwidth to handle your site traffic.
  • Customer Support: Ensure that the hosting service provider offers 24*7 customer support.
  • Cost: Comparing the costs of different shared hosting plans will help you decide which one suits your budget.

Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Shared Hosting

Selecting the right shared hosting plan for your website is important because a wrong decision can affect your website’s all-around performance, speed, and cost. So, let’s take a look at some of the pluses and minuses of shared web hosting to assist you in making a conscious decision.


  • Affordable: Shared hosting is the most cost-effective option for hosting a site.
  • User-friendly: Shared hosting is simple, easy to set up, and requires zero to a little technical knowledge.
  • Reliable: Shared hosting is a highly reliable hosting solution supported by 24*7 technical support.
  • Versatility: Shared hosting offers diverse features that can be customized according to your needs.


  • Restricted resources: Shared hosting packages are restricted concerning data storage, bandwidth, and CPU usage, which can create problems when your site encounters sudden traffic spikes.
  • Security threats: The safety of your site is at stake when it is hosted on a shared web server with the rest of the websites.
  • Slow Speed: Since several websites reside on the same physical server, shared hosting can experience slow speeds that might result in poor website performance.

How can MilesWeb Shared Hosting be a Great Option?

When looking for a shared hosting service provider, you will run into several providers, but it’s essential to evaluate the various hosting packages available in the market. Compare them with relevance to your requirements and budget before signing on for any hosting services.

At MilesWeb, you get the best shared hosting plans with an extensive range of resources like SSL certificates, SSD servers, emails, anti-malware software, free website migration, a 30-day money-back guarantee, and 24*77 technical assistance that you need to host and manage your website at an economical price.


We hope this article has given you a clear idea of what shared hosting is all about! Also remember that, for any successful website, a foundation of strong hosting services is required. It’ll help you increase your website’s visibility and reach out to a larger audience without facing any technical issues.

By considering the pluses and minuses of shared hosting, you can make a conscious decision and choose the best hosting solution for your website.

Are you ready to bring your website to the attention of the world? then partner with us! Contact us via email, live chat, or phone today!

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