This is a Guest Post Written By Ashutosh where he shares The Complete Guide To Social Media marketing for bloggers. You can learn more about him at the end of this article
Over the years, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have been utilized for personal usage. With changing times, and their growing popularity, these platforms are now being utilized for professional purposes too. Entrepreneurs, bloggers, self-employed professionals, business entities; almost everyone has a profile on social media.
While to most it may seem like a piece of cake, for bloggers it is a different ball game altogether. Just sharing the link to your blog post is not going to work for you. In order to build traffic for your blog through these platforms, you need to frame and implement more effective and well-planned strategies.

There are numerous social media platforms available out there, and trying them all is not a feasible option. Either select platforms that are big networking sites, or choose the networking platform that is specific to your niche. Here, the performance is not measured by your presence on multiple channels, but the focus is on having accounts that have interaction and are engaging.
Social Media Marketing For Bloggers
In this guide, we take you through some techniques to grow your blog’s audience and to gain the maximum results out of your social media marketing efforts.
It is important to select a few or even one social media platform(s) that suits the best for your blog’s promotion. To begin with, first, identify the niche of your blog and its target audience. Doing this will allow you to determine the social channels that your audience prefers.
Check for the potential of these social media platforms for your blog. Some famous social media platforms, to begin with, are Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Each of these carries a different purpose and will provide results accordingly. Analyze whether the reader from a certain channel is visiting your blog or not. By checking out the bounce rates and segmenting out the traffic from social media networks, you will know which platforms deliver better traffic compared to the others.
2. Enable automation for content sharing
Social Media marketing can be a time consuming task, especially when you have to maintain consistency in posting. However, enabling automation can be a boon for all bloggers as it makes social media marketing less exhausting for them. There are some online tools that help you make your work easy by creating a link between your blog and your social media accounts.
- WordPress Sharing – It showcases services like stats and enables automated sharing function to a few social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Each time you post a new article, it will automatically be shared to the selected social platforms.
- Buffer: Another social media sharing tool that allows users to share blog posts automatically to various profiles. Set up your schedule by determining the best time to share your content and then queue your blog posts.
One key strategy for your blog is to create the content that is relevant to your target audience and is timeless. Having content that remains evergreen will help gain maximum potential out of your blog-posts. Once you start posting content regularly and maintain consistency, your blog will grow and you will have too many articles. Not all the articles will immediately get traffic to your blog. Therefore, by continuously reposting them on various social media platforms, you get the full-life out of those articles.
Select some of your old best written blog posts for sharing again on social media. For the audience to take a look and find it interesting. Try and add new titles to the same blog content everytime you repost it. Make it appealing and fresh. An easy way to do this is by having plug-ins like the wordpress plug-in that periodically retweet your old posts as per the schedule you have set.
Have social sharing buttons on your blog. If possible allow resharing or tweeting of quotes from your blog on social media. Add only the important buttons on the blog as having too many buttons will confuse the readers. With limited options, people can make a choice easily. Many say it is good to provide the readers with multiple options, however, these buttons can cause a reduction in your page speed. If it reduces drastically, there are chances of you losing out on visitors. It is ideal to have buttons of three to four famous and appropriate social media platforms on the blog.
A good trick is to share anecdotes or snippets from your blogs on your social media. Generally, people don’t like to see a lot of links on social media; it is a place where people like to consume content for pleasure and therefore like it to be short as they have a short attention span. The first thing to do is to go through your posts and identify 3-4 snippets which are “social media worthy”. These should be ideally quotes, statistics, or just ideas from your blog which may stand out.
You can use buffer timings to share these “social media worthy” at regular intervals. This will make your viewers more interested in your content and they will appreciate not seeing extensive content on their social media and some of them might also be attracted to visit your blog if intrigued. In a nutshell, this trick can help you gain readers who are genuinely interested in your blog.
Any social media marketer can swear by hashtags as an extremely effective tool to widen your reach. You can use hashtags in your social media posts to ensure that your content is viewed by a large audience. The key here is to identify the topics which are currently popular. From each blog post, you now have to identify the hashtags. These are typically the keywords in your blog. Using the keywords you have used for the blog post will allow you to reach directly to your target audience. Once you have identified the best keywords for your blog’s content, check its potential as hashtags on social media too. If it is not spam, has relevant content in it, and has good followers, you are good to go.
However, also be careful to not use too many hashtags in a single post. Ideally you can use 3-4 hashtags in a post for maximum effect. But, if you feel that you have more important hashtags to include, the trick is to divide your content in such a way, that it can be put up in two separate posts.
While your blog has long-formed content, due to the attention span of the audience on social media, the content on it has to be short. Make your content interactive and engaging. There is no correct approach to this. Use analytical tools to evaluate your performance, each time you implement a new strategy.
The social media strategies mentioned in the post will help you attract a suitable amount of traffic to your blog. To build a brand name, along with doing content writing and SEO for your blog, focus on increasing its social media conversions. It can provide a great boost to your blog.
Author Bio
Ashutosh works as a Product Manager at – India’s most powerful platform for freelancer’s finances and growth. He has helped some renowned technology companies with their product. In this blog, Ashutosh shares some tips and tactics to generate blog ideas from Social Media. You can follow on Twitter, LinkedIn.
Hi Vishwajeet Bro.
Great read! In simple words, bloggers cannot thrive if they do not have an active social media presence and social media plays a huge part in the success of a blog.
Hlo vishwajeet bro,
This is an amazing article about social media marketing for bloggers.
Social media marketing is very important for bloggers to promote their blogs, products and much more.
Thanks for sharing such an awesome article bro.
Jatin Munjal
Great stuff. Really helpful for those looking to promote the content over Social Media.
Infact, it’s great to build your brand and following as well.