Home Interviews Interview With Nikola Roza (Blogger & Affiliate Marketer)

Interview With Nikola Roza (Blogger & Affiliate Marketer)

by Vishwajeet Kumar

Hello friends, I am here with another interview series of Pro Bloggers. Today We are going to do an Interview with Nikola Roza. He is a Pro Blogger and Digital Marketer. He loves to write a quality and relevant content on his blog. He is a Successful Blogger who is making decent money from his blog.

Interview With Nikola Roza

Q1. Hello Nikola, Please introduce yourself to our audience?

Hi Vishwajeet. Thank you for inviting me to share my 2c with your audience. It’s an honor for sure.

So, I’m Nikola Roza. I’m a blogger, freelance writer and affiliate marketer from Serbia, which is a small country in Europe.

My blog is nikolaroza.com and it’s topics are affiliate marketing, SEO, blogging and WordPress.

Q2. Please tell us about your blogging journey, How you got started?

In 2015 my mother got terminally ill. She was so ill in fact that even the doctors said nothing can be done and that she should go home to die.

I didn’t want to give up on her and because we were a poor family and treatment was very expensive I turned to the web to try to earn money to help her.

I failed miserably.

Partly because my mother had only 100 days to live from the moment she learned of her grim prognosis.

And partly because I entered the blogging world totally clueless. I didn’t know what affiliate marketing was, or what backlinks were, or search engines…

It took me months just to understand what SEO as an acronym stands for, and the concept of SEO as a whole.

Of course I failed.

Blogging is a real business and only the knowledgeable succeed. You can’t luck your way in it.

Q3. What are the top 3 proven blogging strategies that you recommend to a new blogger to build a profitable blog in 2020?

#1- Fix your site architecture. This isn’t a blogging tip per se, but it’s so very important to set up your site in such a way that all content is accessible from the homepage in 3 clicks or less.

#2- Target low competition keywords- low competition keywords carry that name because they really are low competition. This means even new websites can compete successfully.

But the key to finding success with long tail is to publish volumes of content. Not just 5, 10 or even 30 posts. Shoot for a few hundred and you’ll see the cumulative effect happen.

#3- Build high quality links. Links are still crucial for getting more traffic and it’s a mistake not to build them at all.

And you don’t need that many to see an effect. I say for new blogs 1-3 links per week  is a great starting pace. And you can always increase the velocity later.

Q4. How to create a blog sales funnel that actually makes money?

I think that broadly speaking, there are 2 options to consider.

First, there are posts where you don’t need a funnel. You simply need to get them to click on your affiliate link.

A good example is my “best web hosting free trial” post where I just want to help the reader buy the hosting solution that’s right for them.

Second, you have a lot of informational content on your site and those articles can’t be monetized as easily or successfully.

The solution there is to get those people to subscribe so that later you can market to them and present them with affiliate offers.

That’s more of a long term approach but ultimately that’s how you’ll build a stable online business.

Q5. What is your Secret to Choose a Niche?

I choose what I love doing and learning about and that’s also profitable. I don’t worry about the competition too much because I know that I can make any niche work as long as I’m immensely passionate about it.

That’s why I’m in the SEO space, which, as you already know Vishwajeet, is extremely competitive.

We’re competing against other guys who know how to do SEO really well.

Q6. How do you come up with blog post ideas for your blog?

I use Ahrefs to see which keywords my competitors are ranking for, and for which pages.

I also use SEMrush to do proper keyword research.

Finally, I use Google Auto Suggest feature to scope out easy long tail keywords I can use to create supporting content for my key money pages.

But I always check keyword search volume on those before I write. I never target keywords that have 0 searches/mo

Q7. What are the 3 WordPress tools you can’t live without?

  • RankMath which in my opinion is the best SEO plugin on the market.
  • Link Whisper which is the best WordPress plugin for internal link automation (read my Link Whisper review here).
  • Cleantalk, which is a WordPress plugin for easy spam removal and blocking. I was sceptical at first, but It really does work and it stopped 99% of all spam attacks on my site.

Q8. What’s your #1 way to increase traffic to a new blog?

Produce volumes of high quality content targeting long tail, low competition keywords.

When I say “volumes” I mean at least 200 articles, but realistically it should be 300+.

That’s the sure fire way to increase blog traffic, and it’ll work no matter the niche you’re in. All niches have “forgotten” keywords you could be taking advantage of.

Q9. What are the golden rules of A Successful blogging according to you?

There aren’t rules. But there is THE rule. And that is:

Help other bloggers achieve their goals so that in return you get helped.

Really, that’s it. In the beginning of my blogging journey I was very closed off to the world and didn’t interact with anyone.

That’s why I was stagnant.

But as soon as I started to engage with others things changed for the better and my results are growing faster and faster.

Help first so you get helped later.

Q10. In your blogging journey, what blogging mistakes cost you a lot?

In the beginning I didn’t produce enough high quality content, and I overestimated the importance of links.

That mistake is still haunting me as I’m not getting traffic that I could’ve been getting had I invested more in my blog.

Links are still very important, but content is crucial, especially at the early stages.

Thanks for hosting me Vishwajeet.

It’s been a pleasure and honor for sure.


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Jenna Ronan January 28, 2021 - 11:38 am

VK & Nikola,

Inspiring interview here! Blogging is all about befriending and sharing. I loved your insight – help others and get helped later. That’s 100% true, my friend. I know Nikola as a great freelance writer and SEO strategist than as an affiliate marketer. Wishing you great success in your life and online journey, Nikola.

Sadhan Pal February 17, 2021 - 11:23 pm

Hi Mr. Vishwajeet Kumar,

Very nice interview. I have been following your blog for 6 months or more. It’s helpful to me everyday.
By this interview I got known another good bloger, Nikola. Thanks.

Uncoverify September 21, 2021 - 5:53 am

I started my blog Uncoverify this month. But before this I wasted a lot of my time in wandering here and there. First I tried to start blog with wordpress but I did not have enough money to buy hosting. So I went on searching for free hosting on google. This way I wasted one and half month. Then I started with a free blog on blogger, but here also I changed the blog address and blog niche a lot of time because I did not find any low competitive keyword for whichever niche I selected. Now I am working on Uncoverify a blog for sports equipment reviews. Still I am not getting any low competition keyword for this. Please help me. I will be obliged to you.


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