During my early blogging career, I recall comparing my blog, brand, and business to world-renowned, billion-dollar empires in the online and offline world. Sometimes I even figured on doing certain…
Nope. Absolutely not. We blog on a creative, abundant plane. Not on a competitive, scarcity, poverty plane. Bloggers vibing mainly from fear look at folks blogging in their niche, fearing…
Do you? Why? Any fear in your mind is best faced, felt and addressed because fear pulls you down the energy scale, into poverty and struggle and failure and quitting.…
What a good question, eh? How do you help people daily? Helping people daily is the cornerstone of your blogging campaign. Generous bloggers prosper. Stingy bloggers fail. Help people through…
Starting a blog is very easy and requires a small investment. However, Growing and Adding content is a tough job for newbie bloggers. In my earlier post, you have learned…
Your choice. I prefer blogging using my name to add credibility to my blog and brand. But you can build credibility using a pen name too if you remain aligned…
This is a guest post written by Ryan Biddulph where he shares the way to overcome your blogging failure. Stop fighting what is. Accept what is. Proceed to overcome blogging…
I love hitting you upside the head with this blogging mindset tip: keep doing what works, guys. Doing what works for a long time leads to increased blogging success. Doing…
This is a guest post contributed by Ryan Biddulph where he shares what you need to be a professional Blogger? Professional blogging is more about releasing than it is about…